Resolve: The Return to Singapore - Part I
The context of a piece of work is always personal. There's always emotion. We just express it in different ways. Years ago, I made the same trip with much more excitement and hope. This one feels more like finishing something unfinished—though the experience has redefined my perception of reality and my core personality, I feel it's still proper to honor that turning point that brought me here.
It's funny, it's not yet November.
But the history of my history with Singapore has nothing to do with the month of November, but a person we shall call "November" for the purpose of this manuscript.
Nevertheless, the story was a defining moment to my own self-discovery and maturity. It spun multiple incidents; somewhat of a butterfly effect around my sphere of influence that sprung other forms of incidents like a chain-reaction. But amidst the chaos, I managed to scribe the defining moments of these times into text.
I've found #resolve a few years back, and that acceptance brought me here today, and I decided to start rewriting the manuscript I wrote back in 2011 and replace the accompanying images and possibly get it printed. I figured, I can utilize my newly-honed skill of picture-taking to complement my writing. It should take a while, but hopefully this will give honor to the whole "Flashpoint" saga I had in my life.
After all, I became more sensitive, deep and introspective after these incidents, so if you somehow enjoy my thoughts, then we all have to thank that curveball for jumpstarting the change. This warrants another (or perhaps a third) visit to Singapore to complete the series of images I plan to inscribe alongside the rewritten manuscript.
“Artifact #190: Hydroid” - Part of a bigger series titled “Resolve.”
Thanks for reading.
*♫: Change by Arin Ray / Kehlani -